
Algeria’s iconic monument; the Maqam Echahid, wears a new, energy efficient look.

28 May 2014 Algeria’s iconic monument; the Maqam Echahid, is wearing a new, energy efficient look. The monument has been lit up with new LED lighting technology, courtesy Royal Philips, resulting in a reduction of energy consumption by 75 percent.

Eric Heutinck, Philips Maghreb’s CEO pointed out that the lighting of the monument demonstrates the incredible advances being made in the efficiency and beauty of LED illumination.

Mr Heutinck pointed out that LED lighting innovations offer governments and policy makers  new opportunities to beautify cities while also saving energy. He added that the illumination of the Maqam Echahid helped to reduce consumption of energy by 75 percent as the LED lighting installed only use 2.6kW of electricity compared to almost 10.8 kW previously used.

Royal Philips carried out the illumination exercise during its 5th annual pan-African Cairo to Cape Town roadshow and the company intends to continue to light up iconic places across African cities, with 10 cities in seven countries scheduled to enjoy the LED lighting.