
Anxious Greeks want deal with creditors

June 11, 2015 In the aftermath of the EU chief lashing out at the Greek prime minister, after accusing him of failing to deliver on alternative economic reforms, Greeks have come out to talk about ways they feel their government could handle negotiations with its European and international creditors. Some surveys that were taken of citizens indicate that three-quarters of Greeks want to stay in the euro zone while the larger population wants the government to reach a deal with the lenders, even if this isn’t a mean feat.

It is recalled that Greece has received two EU/IMF bailouts to the tune of 240 billion Euros since 2010, when it lost access to capital markets after the admission that the country issued wrong figures for years which hid the true scale of its budget deficit.

Theofilos Paleos, a seventy-one-year-old pensioner, said “Unless there is growth in Greece – no matter what the prime minister, Merkel and all the others say – it is nothing but fairy tales. The only way to see better days in Greece is to have growth, otherwise nothing will change.”

Sofia, an 80-year-old pensioner said “Things are very hard and I am worried. I have grandchildren and I do not want Greece to continue being this way. If what it takes for things to change is for the people to live for two or three years through hardships, let it be.”

 35 year old CHRISTOS ARNADAS, said “Of course we are concerned. The government must decide its stance based on is better for the country, what is best for the workers and the country’s future.”