
Contestants get their socks off at World Toe Wrestling Championships

June 24, 2015 An unusual kind of sport took place in Fenny Bentley, a small village in Derbyshire, northern England. It was the British World Toe Wrestling Championship which came into being in 1976 when a group of walkers in Wetton, a set about searching for a game that only the British could win.

This weird sport is similar to arm wrestling but with feet. There are two people in each bout and each is the best of three. The contestants start by locking right toes, then left, then right again. Contestants must have their toes thoroughly examined and passed by a qualified nurse before being given clearance to compete, and mixed matches are not allowed.

In the men’s final of the competition, current World champion Alan Nash AKA Nasty Nash defended his title by beating Michael “Grimbo” Grimmett to claim his 12th World title, while Tracy Tippy won  in the female competition.

Anybody want to try this?