Ghana Soon to be the Home of the First Digital Village in West Africa.
10th Nov 2014 Ghana will soon be home to the first ever digital village in West Africa, thanks to electronic giants, Samsung and other stake holders such as health experts and institutions such as UNESCO. The plan is to create a sustainable development which will improve local businesses, education and healthcare. Now this project isn’t new to Africa, digital villages already exist in South Africa, Gabon and Ethiopia.
The managing director of Samsung Electronics in West Africa, Harry Park said the company hopes that creating these facilities will benefit people and make a lot of positive impact in the lives of the residents in the area, especially in healthcare and education. He added that the digital village will consist of a Solar powered internet school, Solar powered Tele-medical centre, Solar powered healthcare centre and run on a Solar powered generator.
The project will be created in Volo, in Volta region, a rural community in the coastal country.