
Individual Development Plans by Various African Nations following the US Africa Summit.

12th Aug 2014 We’ve heard the various promises and commitments that th US is making, but we also want to know, what are African countries doing for themselves. A quick rundown

Benin Republic has set up two business-type incubators which have already supported more than 2,500 young professional farmers in agricultural entrepreneurship.  The country has also dedicated 20 percent of its national budget to agriculture to help address youth unemployment.

Burkina Faso has just announced a youth investment project financed by the World Bank. It will feature 46,800 young men and women offered an opportunity to find sustainable jobs in the labor market.

Among other things, Burundi recently established the Youth Employment Agency, which has helped about 250 high school graduates obtain permanent positions or internships within the public and private sectors during the last three years.

Cabo Verde will expand its current 20 youth centers to open one at each city and on every island in the country.

Republic of the Congo has instituted the “Corps of Young Volunteers and Civil Service Trainees” which offers its volunteers an opportunity to do community service and participate in civic education activities while building their professional experiences as volunteer teachers, nurses, and famers.

Cote d’Ivoire has declared 2014 a Year of Employment with special initiatives focused on youth, including a Young Entrepreneurs Competition and an “Alassane Ouattara Award for the Young Emerging Entrepreneur.”

Gabon has supported the creation of the Central African Economic and Monetary Community’s (CAEMC) “Train my Generation” Fund, which aims to support the training and employment of young people in key economic sectors.

Senegal’s government brought two of its exceptional young leaders to the U.S.-Africa Leaders’ Summit as part of its delegation and will include young leaders in Senegal’s delegation to the upcoming G-20 meeting as well.

Seychelles has a Seychelles National Youth Council, and a newly set-up fund to support young entrepreneurs to boost youth employment.  The country has also set up a Young Leadership Programme under the University‎ of Seychelles which aims to provide aspiring young professionals both from the public and private sector with a Masters in strategic leadership while also engaging them in community projects.

Somalia will launch a youth empowerment framework with key initiatives in job creation and youth representation in the government.

Tanzania intends to announce the establishment of a “State House Fellows” program, modeled on the long-standing White House Fellows program in the United States, to identify, train, and provide high-level experience to the next generation of Tanzanian leaders.  This new initiative complements the decades-long Tanzania National Service program, through which thousands of young people have served two year assignments in a wide range of social and economic development fields.

Sounds good so far, we look forward to seeing all these ideas properly implemented and to the crop of young leaders and game changers that Africa should start expecting to see in the next few years.