
Japan finalises late start to Olympic stadium after delays

Nov 20, 2015 Japan recently announced that the construction of its national stadium ahead of the 2020 Summer Games will commence in 2017.

A public outcry over the soaring cost of construction had led to the scrapping of the initial stadium design.

Japan, which has been known for its efficiency and timeliness, has suffered several strings of setback as it gears up to host the world.

In another blow to its reputation, the Japanese Olympic committee was forced to scrap the Games logo in September over accusations of plagiarism.

However, Takakuni Ikeda, vice president of the Japan Sport Council has moved to assure the world that plans were underway to ensure a smooth outing in 2020.

“If all goes according to plan, construction will probably start from early 2017… It’s true that this is quite late compared to the original plan… We believe there will be no problems keeping to the schedule, as we are looking for a proposal which can lead the construction to be finished by January, 2020,”