
New beef alert! Gbemi O.O vs Olumofin brothers

Jan 28, 2016 Yet on major Social media ruffles, radio personality Gbemi O. O. has been on the news for allegedly taking on socialite brothers Dokun and Adejoro Olumofin tagging them as “Social Climbers” who gatecrash parties when not invited.

In a series of tweets, the Beat FM presenter expressed her disagreement with event gatecrashers, rounding off saying “Shout out to the two brothers who make sure they attend every society wedding, whether they are invited or not. Awon Social climbers“.

Apparently, Gbemi O.O was incited to tweet about the supposed gatecrashers after her about-to-wed radio personality colleague Toolz told her about the brothers, with Toolz putting up a tweet saying “Someone can’t even gist @GemiOO small without her subbing the person’s entire generation on Twitter“.

Hence, the Olumofin brothers took to twitter to prove they were invited to Toolz and Tunde Demuren’s wedding, while coming for Gbemi O. O with angry rants and name-calling.