
Nigerian traditional leader supports people with optical issues

4th Feb 2015 A traditional leader in Nigeria has used the occasion of his birthday to give free eye tests and optical wear to members of his community, and others who joined in the celebrations. Oba Olatunde Falabi, The Akire of Ikire who turned eighty also used the occasion to urge wealthy Nigerians to be more charitable, and to assist people with eye problems to access treatment as the organ was really important. The free eye surgery programme organized by the monarch happened during the weekend of the 30th last month.

Oba Falabi while addressing the media and others present at the event said it was very unfortunate that many people were unnecessarily going blind when faced with eye defects, just because of their inability to afford the sum of twenty thousand naira, which is a small price to pay for healthy eye sight.  According to the Oba, he was once an eye patient and his experience has spurred him into assisting others through the exercise.

The event saw over sixty persons receive glasses. There were also surgeries by doctors and opticians for those cases that required them, all paid by the monarch.

The king said, “Eye is very important to the body. It is a part of the body which must be well protected. I want to encourage our people to go for regular medical checkup. Many are going blind in the country because they cannot afford to go to hospitals. Some cannot raise as low as N20, 000 for simple surgery and that is why they are blind.”

He added, “The rich people in the society should come to the aid of this set of people by sponsoring surgery to help correct their defects.”