NNPC works to make kerosene more accessible to all
21st Jan 2015 Kerosene users in Nigeria will be interested in this statement from The General Manager of NNPC’s Retail, Ufford Ibanga that the institution has initiated a project to protect citizens from the many middlemen who prevent end users from enjoying subsidies on Kerosene. The scheme, called “Kero correct” will see Non-Governmental organizations and volunteers drawn from all of Nigeria’s regions assist in monitoring the distribution and sales of kerosene. The organizations will also ensure that Kerosene is sold at the regulated price of N50 per litre at mega and affiliate stations of NNPC and will involve the distribution of a total of 1,500 trucks of kerosene across NNPC Retail’s mega and affiliate stations
Mr. Ibanga has said that all 524 of NNPC Retail mega, floating mega and affiliate stations across Nigeria are involved in the scheme, and that the volunteers will assist to monitor discharge and sales of the product to serve as an independent feedback system which will ensure that the process is transparent.
Mr. Nwakwu Anthony, the Chairman of the Kero Correct committee said that the three-fold duties of the NGOs and volunteers will include monitoring of discharge and sales of the product, ensuring orderliness at sales points and alerting authorities in case of any breaches. The chairman enjoined volunteers to take their work seriously to bring out the best for the masses and urged them to justify the trust reposed in them, by ensuring that the Nigerian masses derive maximum benefits from the scheme.
Executive Director, Commercial of the Pipeline and Products Marketing Company, Mr. Frank Amego, noted that though kerosene was the most subsidized product, the Nigerian masses had not been enjoying the subsidy. He is quoted as saying, “The Kero Correct initiative is thus designed to distribute and sell kerosene directly to end users from NNPC Retail mega and affiliate stations across the country at the government-regulated price of N50 per litre to ensure effective control.”