
Palestinian flag raised at UN

Oct 05, 2015 The Palestinian flag was recently raised outside the United Nations headquarters in New York for the first time. The flag raising ceremony was attended by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, President of the UN General Assembly Mogens Lykkentoft and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

Speaking at the event, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said:

“Let us continue to work together, to realize the aspirations that this flag carries: Israel and Palestine living side by side in peace and security,”

The United Nations General Assembly on September 10th approved the resolution to raise the Palestinian flag with 119 votes in favor, 45 abstentions and eight votes against.

The Palestinian President thanked the countries and international organizations that supported the raising of his country’s flag at the UN and called for greater acknowledgement of Palestine as an independent state.

He also reiterated that his country was no longer bound by agreements signed with Israel, since the violation of the Oslo Accords and other pacts between the two countries by Israel.