
Paypal commences services in 10 new countries, 3 African countries included.

19th June 2014 How many of you have had this terribly frustrating experience – you’re online, trying to buy that awesome new product you just have to have, then the prompt comes for your paypal transaction and you see something along the lines of – this service is not available in your country. Annoying ba?

If you live in Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Cameroun or Cote d’Ivoire, you will probably be very excited to know then according to this report from Ventures Africa, that Paypal has commenced services in 10 new markets – the 3 countries earlier mentioned inclusive.  Other people who will enjoy the new services are residents of Belarus, Macedonia, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro and Paraguay. This means that now, shoppers can register for a PayPal account and make payments without needing to enter their card details.

Rupert Keeley, senior vice president of PayPal Europe, Middle East and Africa explans that paying via paypal provides peace of mind, because people never have to expose their financial information during the transaction.”

So there shopaholics, get online and shop away, don’t spend all your savings o!