
Pope urges young Africans to build fairer society

Dec 01, 2015 During his recent visit to Africa, Pope Francis urged young people on the continent to build a society that is fairer and more inclusive.

Speaking at an open-air Mass in the Kenyan capital Nairobi, he said:

“Here, in the heart of this University, where the minds and hearts of new generations are being shaped, I appeal in a special way to the young people of the nation. Let the great values of Africa’s traditions, the wisdom and truth of God’s word, and the generous idealism of your youth guide you in working to shape a society which is ever more just, inclusive and respectful of human dignity. May you always be concerned for the needs of the poor, and reject everything that leads to prejudice and discrimination, for these things, we know, are not of God. All of us are familiar with Jesus’ parable about the man who built his house on sand, rather than rock. When the winds came, it fell with a mighty crash. God is the rock on which we are called to build.”

A third of Kenya’s 45 million people are Catholics, Thousands of whom gathered under the rain to attend the Mass.

In his speech, the pope went on to stress the importance of family life.

“Isaiah’s prophecy invites us to look to our own families, and to realize how important they are in God’s plan. Kenyan society has long been blessed with strong family life, a deep respect for the wisdom of the elderly and love for children. The health of any society depends on the health of its families. For their sake, and for the good of society, our faith in God’s word calls us to support families in their mission in society, to accept children as a blessing for our world, and to defend the dignity of each man and woman, for all of us are brothers and sisters in the one human family.”