
Putin meets U.N. Chief to discuss the fight against terrorism and Ukraine

Oct 01, 2015 Russian President Vladimir Putin recently sat down for talks with U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly as Russia hopes to find common ground with the U.S. and others on the fight against terrorism.

In his speech earlier to the General Assembly, U.S. President Barack Obama described the President of Syria as a tyrant. He also fingered him as the chief culprit behind the four-year civil war. In sharp contrast, the Russian president told the gathering that there was no alternative rather than to cooperating with Syrian military in the effort to defeat ISIS.

This variation in opinion has further raised questions about how Obama and Putin intend find common ground.

Speaking on Ukraine, Putin told the U.N boss that dialogue between the Ukrainian governments and the rebels was necessary for a peaceful resolution.

“The main problem right now consists in the need of fostering a direct dialogue between the Kiev authorities and the authorities in Donetsk and Luhansk and it is required that all parties should adhere to the Minsk Agreement, that is the key point,” said Putin