
South African author gets nod of recognition from internet giant Amazon

16th Jan 2015 And from TimesLive SA, a first time author is making the right kind of waves. Rob Boffard, is a 30 year old former Johannesburg man who has just been listed as a “rising star” by online book retailer Amazon.

Rob’s name was one of 61 highlighted by Amazon as authors whose books should definitely be on customer reading lists.

Rob’s journey to writing semi stardom wasn’t immediate, he reports that he was rejected countless times, but shows a different attitude to most by admitting his work needed more polishing. He is quoted as saying “There were plenty of rejections along the way. They were quite warranted because the book simply wasn’t good enough at that point. He adds “But I’m a freelance journalist and I’m used to getting told ‘no’, so I kept going.”

All that is old news now, as his science fiction novel, Tracer, will be released in July this year, with 2 sequels already in the works.

Proof guys, that if at first you don’t succeed, erase and edit until you do. Congrats Rob!