
The #BringBackOurGirls campaign continues to gain support from around the world. 

06 May 2014 As the news of the kidnap of over 200 girls from a secondary school in Borno, Nigeria enters its third week, a campaign to raise awareness of their kidnap continues to raise awareness and support from around the world. #BringBackOurGirls has seen daily rallies from Lagos, Abuja, Kano, Kaduna in Nigeria, with support coming in from South Africa, Greece, The United States and the United Kingdom.

Politicians and media personalities around the world have continued to raise their voices, requesting more media attention to be paid to the situation, and encouraging foreign governments to offer their support.

The campaign has seen responses from people such as US Secretary of State John Kerry, advocate for girls rights Malala Yousafzi, UK Politican Harriet Harman, advocate LeymahGbowee, CNN anchor Isha Sesay and many, many more.

EbonyLife TV stands with organizations around the world to continue to raise awareness of the campaign and says Bring Back Our Girls