
Toure applauds Fifa’s work against racism

May 15 , 2015 TimesLive SA informs us that footballer Yaya Toure is very happy about the news that football governing body FIFA is creating a new anti-discrimination monitoring system for the 2018 World Cup qualifiers.

The system will involve FIFA sending observers trained by the European anti-discrimination organisation FARE to qualifying matches where there is felt to be a high risk of racist behaviour from fans.

Monitors will report any incidents of discrimination to FIFA, and the body will then take  disciplinary action against the countries concerned.

Toure is functioning as a consultant to FIFA’s anti-discrimination and racism taskforce. He was present at the launch of the monitoring system at London’s Wembley Stadium and is quoted as saying “I’m very satisfied to see that FIFA is taking this issue very seriously and putting in place concrete measures to stop behaviour which goes against the spirit of our sport,”

He added: “It’s really important to know what a big problem racism is in society in general. Sometimes people don’t take reports of that. We have to show them something has to be done and I hope it will be done. That’s why we’re here today, to express and speak for the people who can’t speak.”