
United Nations Set to Revolutionize Africa’s Energy Sector.

25th Sep 2014 The United Nation’s top official on Sustainable Energy says they are seeking a revolution in the energy sector similar to what was achieved in telecommunications on the African continent.
The UN’s global initiative, Sustainable Energy for All, has signed a cooperation agreement with the United States initiative Power Africa to tackle the vast power deficits across the African continent. The UN Secretary General for Energy for All, Kandeh Yumkella is quoted as saying: “We want to do for the energy sector what happened for the mobile sector”

Energy is definitely a high priority for the UN as they announced a new initiative at the United Nations Climate Summit. The initiative will see a drop in dependence on fossil fuels in eastern and southern Africa. 19 ministers from the continent have endorsed the initiative, called the Africa Clean Energy Corridor (ACEC). The aim is to see renewable energy projects used by the Eastern Africa Power Pool and Southern African Power Pool jump from its current level of  12 per cent to at least 40 per cent by 2030.