
Voting opens for NBMA Awards 2014

8th Oct 2014 Greetings EL Now buddies!

So last month, we announced that the Nigerian Broadcasters Merit Award 2014’s tentative nominee list revealed that EbonyLife TV attracted nominations in a whopping 14 categories.

Now the final list has been released, with EbonyLife TV still maintaining nominations in all 14 categories.

These include nominations for TV Channel of the Year, EL Now’s nomination for Entertainment program of the year, TV Channel with Best Station Imaging, among several others.

Now viewers are expected to participate in the final selection of winners by voting online.

To vote for your favourite channel, shows and talents, which of course should be those of EbonyLife TV, log onto nbma.linkedlist.us signing in with your twitter account.

Now you go ahead and make us proud!

Best TV Channel  – EbonyLife TV 3

TV Channel with Best Station Imaging – EbonyLife TV 33

Cameraman of the Year -Alfred Chia (EbonylifeTV)  35

Producer of the Year – Priscilla Nzimiro-Nwanah (EbonyLife TV)  36

Best Station’s Manager – Pamela Ofoegbu (EbonyLifeTV)  37

Best Programme Director – Ayoola Opere (EbonyLife TV) 38

Visual Editor of the year – Segun Oderinde (Moment with Mo) 39

African Broadcaster of the Year -Female -Dolapo Oni (Nigeria)  44

Sexiest On-Air PersonalityFemale -Zainab Balogun (Ebony Life TV) 46

Best Entertainment program On TV (TV)  EL Now 54

Best TV Series/Drama – New Horizons 55

Best Talk Show on TV – The Spot (EbonylifeTV) 56

Best TV Community Access programme – Naija Diamonds (EbonylifeTV) 60

Outstanding TV presenter (Male) (Entertainment/Talk Show) -Ekeng Bassey (EL Now) 63

Outstanding TV presenter (Female) (Entertainment/Talk Show) – Oreka Godis (Love Lounge on EbonyLife TV) 64