
World’s largest annual beer festival, the Oktoberfest, comes to an end

Oct 07, 2015 The 182nd edition of Oktoberfest, the world’s largest beer festival recently came to an end. According to organizers, the 16-day party saw about 5.9 million visitors and whooping 7.3 million liters of beer consumed.

According to officials, the festival saw visitors from Italy, Australia, Nigeria, Belgium, Brazil, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the United States.

While speaking to reporters, Josef Schmid, Mayor of Munich said:

“We had 5.9 million visitors, we sold 7.3 million litres of beer and there was a tendency from the classic Wiesn food of roast chicken (“Hendl”) towards Bavarian specialities: we sold more oxen and more calves despite a slightly lower number of visitors. This shows it was a culinary Wiesn.”

Toni Roiderer, spokesman for the Oktoberfest landlords said:

“We were very happy with this year’s Oktoberfest. It was a Wiesn with less people but with around six million visitors, so we really can’t complain. We had a lot of very happy customers, we served great beer and the cooks did their best. Those who visited the Wiesn are definitely coming back because it was a great party.”

With the next Oktoberfest scheduled run from September 17 to October 3, 2016, the organizers said the beer festival was once again a full success.