“You are all in my prayers” – Jim Iyke to Ebola victims.
7th Aug 2014 Over now to Nollywood’s most contrived star Jim Iyke who after his rather hasty departure from Liberia is displaying a show of guilty conscience on his comments on Ebola and Liberia.
In a statement, the actor said:
“May I humbly apologize if my comments on Ebola – based on fear – were taken out of context. The last thing I wanted to do was to alarm anyone. My heart goes out to all the families who have been affected by the Ebola virus – those who have lost their lives or loved ones, those who are still bravely fighting the disease and all of the communities who are battling to keep the infection under control. You are all in my prayers”.
Jim Iyke also didn’t miss out the fact that he had been thoroughly screened where necessary, advocating vigilance against the deadly virus.
That’s better Jimmy!