
Zimbabwe court postpones trial of Cecil the lion's hunt guide

Aug 10, 2015 A Zimbabwean court recently postponed the trial of local hunter Theo Bronkhorst, to September 28.

Theo Bronkhorst was arrested last week and charged with breaching hunting rules when he lured Zimbabwean lion Cecil, out of Hwange National Park, an action that led to the killing of the country’s most prized lion.

Cecil was killed by Walter Palmer, an American dentist who said he hired professional local guides to secure hunting permits and that he believed the hunt was legal.

Palmer’s expedition has attracted death wishes and widespread criticism from angry protesters and has put the spotlight on big game hunting in Africa.

Bronkhorst has yet to plead in court, but speaking to reporters he denied any wrongdoing, claiming that hunting was an “integral” part of the country.

“It has got to continue and if we do not use wildlife sustainably there will be no wildlife.” He said.

If convicted, Bronkhorst will face a fine of $20,000 and up to 10 years jail time.