
An African City: Another Returnee

Showing Feb 1 | Episode 1 | 

Nana Yaa happily welcomes another returnee, her cousin Adoma. Immediately, it is evident that Nana Yaa and Adoma have two different views on the “returnee experience.” Nana Yaa and her circle of friends are happy to embrace the western lifestyle, while Adoma is adamant about the local/grassroots experience. This stark difference leads to the questions of: “What is African? Or, What is African “Enough”? For each of the five main characters, the journey to find the answers to these questions is revealed. For Sade, it’s whether or not her married boyfriend will “eat her out” as he does not consider “eating her out” an African “activity.” For Ngozi, it’s whether or not she is too westernized to attract an African man, which leads to a theatrical prayer session with her Pastor. For Makena, it’s whether or not to wear the lawyer wig in the courtroom – a wig she considers uncomfortably foreign. For Zainab, it’s about whether or not to handle an employee’s family’s funeral the western way (“can’t I just send flowers?”) or the Ghanaian way (“Do I really have to drive twenty hours to Tumu?”).