
An African City: The ISMs

Showing March 7 | Episode 6 | The ISMs

When Sade is called “entitled” by a complete stranger, the whole concept of the “entitled returnee” is brought to light – as well as several other “isms” such as nepotism, feminism, sexism, colonialism, neo-colonialism, classism, traditionalism. For Zainab,  the  constant power outage leads her to engage in a “generator war” with her next door neighbor, an elderly man who does not have time for Zainab and her “entitled generation”. For Makena, her traditional aunt and uncle find it hard to warm up to her African-American boyfriend, especially when their servant addresses the uncle as “master”. For Nana Yaa, she explores the “pull out method” with her re-kindled flame Edem, with Zainab pointing out that the “ims” in that poor decision. For Ngozi, she has no “isms” on her mind. The only thing on Ngozi’s mind is the fact that her nipples keep getting hard several times a day – in public.