
Art Basel’s 4th edition opens in Hong Kong

Mar 24, 2016 Art Basel Hong Kong recently announced details of its fourth edition, which features 239 spaces from 35 countries and territories from Asia and Asia Pacific.

Speaking at a news conference, Art Basel’s Global Director, Marc Spiegler, said that although art was increasingly seen as a third class asset, he believed people should buy what they liked instead of as an investment.

Marc-Spiegler Art Basel’s 4th edition opens in Hong Kong

“But I really think the best way to invest in art is to buy something you love. Because in the worst case, if it doesn’t rise in value at least you had something wonderful in your life. I know that sounds like a politic answer, but it’s actually true. If you look at the great collections they were built by people who had a little means and a lot of courage,”

Art Basel Hong Kong hopes to attract at least 6,500 people and will host a series of talks and events throughout Hong Kong.