
Mo Ibrahim Index of African Governance (IIAG) 2014 edition: Mauritius Leading the Fort.

2nd Oct 2014 It is rewarding to be recognized for doing a good job, and it must be positively head turning to be recognized, not once but 8 times! We’re sure the government of the Republic of Mauritius must be positively giddy with their listing as number one in the Mo Ibrahim Index of African Governance (IIAG) 2014 edition for the eighth consecutive year. The island nation got the highest score of eighty one point seven among the fifty two countries rated.

The Financial Secretary of the Republic of Mauritius, Mr Dharam Dev Manraj is quoted as saying “It is indeed with great pride that we welcome the MO Ibrahim report on Governance and we are pleased that Mauritius again tops the ranking for the eight consecutive years”

Cabo Verde ranked second, scoring seventy six point six points, Botswana came third with seventy six point two points while South Africa came fourth with seventy three point three points, Seychelles wasn’t far behind with a score of seventy three point two points

Across the board, the average score across the continent was fifty five point five points.

The Mo Ibrahim assesses the quality of governance in African countries on a yearly basis and releases a list based on the results of that assessment.