
Mozambique President, Armando Guebuza Inaugrates New Water Supply System.

16th July 2014 We can all agree that one of the most important human needs is the need for water. Water serves just about every function there is. And for a long time, the citizens of Caia (pronounce Kaya) in Mozambique have suffered from a serious lack of water.

We heave a sigh of relief with them with the report that the President of Mozambique Armando Guebuza has inaugurated a new water supply system for the town.

The system can supply potable water to 45,000 people and cost about 5.1 million US dollars. It will provide the people of Caia with 92 cubic metres of water for ten hours per day. Now, before you start complaining that it isn’t a lot – note that the citizens of the town only used to get water for 90 minutes a day. We think 10 hours is definitely an improvement.