
Sepp Blatter wins FIFA presidency

June 01, 2015 Sepp Blatter has emerged as the “new” president of Fifa, after his rival, Prince Ali bin al-Hussein of Jordan, withdrew in the second round of voting. The election took place at FIFA’s congress in Zurich, and saw Blatter win 133 to Prince Ali’s 73.

The last few days have seen calls and pressures for the 79 year old to resign, chiefly because of corruption allegations leveled against some top officials of the world football governing body recently. However, Blatter ignored the calls and upon winning, hailed his victory, thanking all those who voted from him.  He also praised his rival, Prince Ali, calling him brave, for withdrawing.

In his victory speech, Mr Blatter said: “I am the president now, the president of everybody. He went on to say “I am not perfect, nobody is perfect, but we will do a good job together I am sure.”

Blatter revealed that this could be his last term as FIFA’s president, and he has promised to leave the organization in a stronger position.