
Nigerian Teenage Athlete, Chika Amalaha Stripped of her Gold Medal for Failing Doping Test Twice.

11th Aug 2014 Meanwhile in Nigeria, rumbles continue following the removal of the gold medal for teenage athlete Chika Amalaha following her two time failure of a doping test.

The teenager had her medal in weightlifting awarded to Dika Toua from Papua New Guinea and her result nullified.

Sports Minister, Dr. Tammy Danagogo is quoted by the Vanguard as saying “It’s disappointing that we have highly placed anti-doping officials who did not do their jobs. It is embarrassing and severe punishments will be meted out to those officials either for their involvement or negligence, as a deterrent.”

The Minister summarised the general impression of the entire incident by announcing that “This disgrace is not only on one girl but on the whole of the contingent and the nation. Enough is enough”