
2017 Nominations

Entries Closed: Sunday, October 1st, 2017

Selection Process:

The Selection Committee shall solicit nominations, review candidates, and recommend recipients. The Committee consists of twelve (12) industry experts, influencers and an independent auditor.

The criteria for recognizing awardees is based strictly on a demonstration of excellence, commitment, innovativeness, integrity, national impact; and most importantly women who demonstrated a substantive, yet largely unrecognized excellence in the area for which they were being considered.

The Selection Committee is responsible for selecting the winners of the following awards:

1. Sisterhood Award Fashion Designer of the Year:

This award goes to a female member of our community who has demonstrated outstanding originality, fashion sense, success and innovation in the field of fashion design.  The purpose of this award is to recognize achievement in the fashion world of our local community and recognize the ability, gifts, talents and expectations that we see and hold for the winner of this award.  This year’s winner is one who has consistently demonstrated style, competence, showmanship, and drive, acting both as a leader in fashion design and a supporter of the industry through her commitment to the field and, most importantly, her design concepts.

2. Sisterhood Award Philanthropist of the Year:

The Philanthropist of the Year award is presented to an outstanding member of the community who has made philanthropy the heart and soul of her life.  Giving not just in terms of money but also in terms of time, self, and ideas—the recipient of this award is one in whom we recognize all the wonderful traits and characteristics that a healthy, functioning society expects and needs from its leaders, who through their grit, determination, creativity, and passion for humanity effect the balance and support that keeps us all moving towards the ideal society that we wish to build. 

3. Sisterhood Award Made in Nigeria Product of the Year:

This award goes to recognize a local producer from our community who has touched the lives of individuals through innovative design, manufacturing, and/or production.  The Made in Nigeria Product of the Year recognizes achievement in the realm of commercial business, where a local producer has crafted a product that has had a significant and substantial impact on the marketplace.  By acknowledging Nigerian producers with this award, we aim to encourage further Nigerian development and innovation so that our community may flourish with ideas and home-grown products.

4. Sisterhood Award Film and TV Director of the Year:

The Film and TV Director of the Year award goes to a member of the film and television community who has contributed to the overall quality of the industry through her work on a particular film or television series.  The purpose of this award is to highlight the achievements a single female director, whose vision, skill, and focused energy has helped to produce an entertaining and informative work that Nigerians can be proud of.  It goes to recognize distinction of voice, greatness of leadership, and strength in delivery.

5. Sisterhood Award TV Personality of the Year:

This award is presented to a female TV personality who has demonstrated admirable qualities in Nigerian television.  The award is notable for recognizing not only the greatness and attractiveness of the woman’s personality but also the desirableness of her presence.  If she could be with us everywhere, hosting all of life’s events, our Nigerian community would be that much richer.  Alas, we have her only in segmented slots—but to show our appreciation, this award is given, with the hope that we will be seeing much more of her in the years to come, and the expectation that our days and nights will be made that much brighter as a result.

6. Sisterhood Award Advocate of the Year:

This will recognize a woman who has supported marginalized or abused women within her sphere of influence; in turn these women are empowered and positioned to achieve their potential. Whether it be the donation of their time, money or other resources, advocates are a huge asset to the business world as well as the rest of society including non-profits, government and beyond. Women in particular are of great importance and value as they add a perspective that is often missing from the discussion. This award for Advocate of the Year will reward a woman that has done precisely that for other women and their unique interests.

7. Sisterhood Award Lifetime Achievement of the Year:

The Lifetime Achievement award is a special honor that recognizes an individual’s achievements not just in a single year or in a single industry but rather over the course of an entire lifetime, which can and often does span multiple generations and eras, making tremendous impact on people and the world around them who have had the honor and privilege to be part of that individual’s life, circle or span of influence.  This award is given to celebrate the accomplishments of a woman in our community and to thank her for all of her diverse contributions to our way of life, to our future, and to our hope.

8. Sisterhood Award Best Collaboration of the Year:

This will recognize an outstanding female collaboration in business that has created value. When women work together and have a plan, the results can be even better and more game-changing as the presence of single women in the entrepreneurship sphere, let alone groups of them working together, has been entirely too fleeting and rare in the business world. This award is meant to recognize women that are changing the business and collaboration worlds every day, all at the same time.

9. Sisterhood Award Entrepreneur of the Year:

This will recognize a woman who has demonstrated entrepreneurial creativity, as well as created wealth and employment. Through their innovation and drive to succeed, entrepreneurs are what drive the nation’s economy. Businesses of all sizes and their associated entrepreneurs all put in their work but women in particular deserve special mention due to the glass ceilings they punch through and the unique perspectives that they bring to society and the business world in general. This award is meant to symbolize and reward a woman that has stood out amongst her peers, including both men and women alike and people of all backgrounds, and in a way that can absolutely lead to evolving and changing of society and the business world.

10. Sisterhood Award Man of the Year:

This award recognizes the achievement of a man, who has dedicated his activities in the past year to supporting the achievements of women in our community.  This award honors his participation in and support of our successes, drives, passions, commitments, time, duty, obligations, needs, and desires.  Without him, our work may have been possible—but it would not have been any easier.  His contributions have helped lift ours up and have acted like a spotlight on an otherwise darkened stage, illuminating women in various sectors, fields, and industries—bringing them hope when they were without, encouragement when they were down, opportunities when doors seemed closed, and support when all appeared lost.